Best gun in star wars battlefront 2019
Best gun in star wars battlefront 2019

best gun in star wars battlefront 2019 best gun in star wars battlefront 2019

Iden is the only character in Battlefront II to wield the Pulse Cannon, which functions similarly to its 2015 counterpart. It deals a small amount of damage and keeps them stunned for long enough while Iden dispatches of them. Iden calls on her droid to stun enemies, which can chain to multiple enemies.

best gun in star wars battlefront 2019

Stun Droid is a simple but very effective tool. Her TL-50 is a deadly weapon with very high rate of fire with the ability to fire a deadly secondary fire which can take out three of the four default classes (the Heavy being an exception) and a cluster of enemies. Iden is a versatile hero whose vast amount of tools allow her to excel in combat from all ranges, be it short, medium or long. Against her pleas, her father carries out the first order of Operation: Cinder and everything Iden thought she knew and trusted about the Empire is questioned. The last order given by a now-dead Emperor demands the purging of several planets, including her own homeworld of Vardos. She is ready to give her life for the Empire and end the hated Rebel Alliance once and for all until a fateful event changes everything. The campaign of Star Wars Battlefront II follows Iden Versio, the commander of Inferno Squad, an elite special forces unit of the Galactic Empire.

Best gun in star wars battlefront 2019